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Learn about investing in cryptocurrencies
This material is for people who are new to cryptocurrency investing and would like to learn the basics.
- What is Bitcoin?
- What are Alts?
- What is the difference between trading and investing?
- What is a cryptocurrency index?
- What is an index fund? (to come)
- What is an ICO? (to come)
Additional material
This section lists “thought” pieces. I hope you find them interesting and I welcome your comments.
- How to Attack Proof of Stake Chains
- Why Blockchain is Hard and Alternatives to Using it
- A 51% Attack on BTG Steals Millions
- Bitcoin Solves the Double Spending Problem and Creates Sound Money
- Trading Will Bankrupt you – Yes, you
- How Blockchains Will Lead to a Smaller State
- Hardware Wallets
- Asset Allocation for the Cryptocurrency Investor
- Why Bitcoin is the new Gold
- Why you Should Only Invest in Illegal ICOs