Crypto20 (C20) Listed on Exchanges
Cryptocurrency Index Fund, News 2018-01-23Crypto20 passed a big test this week when it was listed on
- Bibox,
- and
- EtherDelta.
This provides liquidity for investors who can now easily sell their holding or add to them. As predicted both by the Crypto20 team and the CryptoIndex Guru the token trades at a premium to the Net Asset Value (NAV).
- NAV 2.41 USD
- Idex 3.77 USD
- premium = 56%
In the non-crypto world Investment Trusts often trade a premium but it is typically 10 to 20%. It will be interesting to see whether C20 maintains this premium when it is listed on the larger and more liquid HitBTC later this week. If it is that will be a strong indication that the market values the convenience of this sort of fundwhen backed by a high quality team such as Crypto20.
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